Having meticulously designed our trailer and the interior kitchen and found a food-truck manufacturer, we decided to initiate this project in 2019. Unfortunately, we were not able to really start until July 2021 due to the pandemic.

Once the trailer was designed to meet our standards, the manufacturer sent it to us by boat from the mainland.

Once it arrived, we got our carefully designed kitchen installed in its interior. Then, we obtained all the necessary permissions, insurances and other mandatory legal documents.

Although the pandemic impeded us to move forward in the launching of our project, we took advantage of the extra time given to us to finish outlining and perfecting aspects which we otherwise wouldn’t have had time for.

Once the pandemic was over, it was time to start our journey and get our wheels rolling!

Our first event was at the Mobofest, a music festival which took place in Lloret de Vistalegre. In three days of concerts, we served more than one thousand five hundred hamburgers and about nine hundred portions of fries. What an incredible launch it was! After several hours of preparation and very long working shifts, it was incredibly rewarding to watch how welcomed we were.

We thoroughly enjoyed every moment by serving our customers and preparing different types of our exquisite burgers, accompanied by fries, chicken croquettes and spinach and chicken wings.

Even though the event was limited by pandemic restrictions and rain thundering down on the second night of concerts, we loved being a part of Mobofest.